lunes, 3 de mayo de 2021


Asignatura:        INGLÉS                 Fecha de publicación:3 MAYO 2021

Nombre del Profesor:  BLANCA ESTHER AVILA ABEIJON                                        

Grado:     2                                                                           Grupo(s): E Y F

Liga para videoconferencia de reforzamiento:

Viernes de 10:40 a 11:30

Semana (S)


Fecha de entrega



Cuadro de texto:  Lectura del pasado simpleTítulo de la actividad



Descripción de la ACTIVIDAD

Realizaras la lectura del pasado simple y contestaras las siguientes preguntas.



Libreta, internet

 Aprendizaje esperado

Aprenderás a utilizar el pasado simple en positivo, negativo e interrogativo en diferentes oraciones




1.-Leeras la siguiente lectura del pasado simple y contestaras las preguntas.

Sarah’s love story

One Saturday, Sarah woke up early. She had breakfast with her family, she had a quick shower, and left home to work.

On her way to the office, a handsome man asked her if she knew where the closest bank wasShe told him where it was. The man asked her if she could go with him to the bank and to have a cup of coffee afterwards. She said yes.

Sarah and the man had coffee. After that, they went to the cinema and then to a disco. They danced for 3 hours. Sarah didn’t ask the man’s name, she didn’t add him on Facebook or Whatsapp. At midnight, the man said he had to go to the bathroom, but he didn’t come back.

Sarah fell in love with the man; she wanted the man to come back. She waited for him for 5 years, but he didn’t come back. Sarah had lost all hope about love. She prayed to God frequently.

One day, Sarah was waiting in line in the bank when a man came up to her and asked her what time it was. His voice sounded familiar, it was the same man; his name was Joseph.

They married 8 months later and had 2 beautiful daughters

  • 1.- Who did Sarah have breakfast with?
  •  No, she didn't
  •  Yes, she did
  •  We don't know


  •  With her family
  •  With Joseph
  •  With her daughters

2.-Did she spend a lot of time taking a shower?


3.-Which sentence is NOT true about Sarah and Joseph?

  •  They added each other on Facebook.
  •  They danced.
  •  They drank coffee

4.-What did the man do after going to the bathroom?

  •  He drank coffee
  •  Not mentioned
  •  He went to the bank

5.-What did Sarah want?

  •   She wanted to go tot he bank
  •  She wanted to come back
  •  She wanted to see the man again

6.-How long did Sarah wait for the man?

  •   for some years
  •  for only a couple of months
  •  she didn't wait for the man

7.-Did Sarah and Joseph meet again?

  •  No, they didn't
  •  We don't know
  •  Yes, they did

8.-What did Sarah and Joseph did after they met again?

  •  They started a family
  •  They went to the bank
  •  They had coffee


  • .














Producto final a entregar:

1.-cuestionario del pasado simple 1 punto



·         Este clara y entendible la información

·         Letra legible

·         Entregar puntualmente

·         Escribir nombre grado y grupo, fecha, tema

Oraciones con la estructura correcta

Verbos correctamente escritos en inglés










Cuadro de texto: Correo ,

2 E
Código de la clase

2 F
Código de la clase

Forma de recuperar la actividad (Correo, classroom, facebook, whats, otros) :








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