martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

Actividades de inglés Segundo Grado A y B

Buenas tardes,

Espero se encuentren muy bien y que estén siguiendo las normas sanitarias que han impuesto nuestras autoridades para poder erradicar lo que hoy en día estamos viviendo.

Les dejo las actividades que abarcan del 23 de marzo al 3 de abril son 6 sesiones de la materia de Inglés.

Las actividades deberán realizarlas en su cuaderno, los links de ejercicios en internet tendrán valor extra, lo que quiere decir que si no los pueden realizar no afectará su calificación pero en caso de realizarlas se les darán puntos extra. Para poder comprobar que hicieron los ejercicios en internet deberán tomar captura de pantalla o foto cuando los hayan terminado, imprimir y pegar en el cuaderno.

1.- Anota el vocabulario en tu cuaderno profesional y busca su significado en español. Utiliza el diccionario bilingüe.

Vocabulary “The weather”

1.- sunny
8.- lightning
15.- clear sky
22.- bright
2.- cloudy
16.- warm
23.- sunshine
30.- icy
3.- partly cloudy
10.- hailing
24.- mist

11.- windy
25.- hazzle

5.- snowy
12.- foggy
19.- hot

20.- snowflake
27.- deluge

7.- stormy
14.- rainbow
21.- blizard
28.- bleeze

2.- Realiza un memorama con el vocabulario de arriba, en una carta pones la palabra y en otra el dibujo.
Después juega con tu familia, cada que destapes una palabra repítela en voz alta.

3.- Si te es posible, metete a internet y práctica en estas páginas:

4.- Escoge 10 palabras del vocabulario y deletréalas en inglés, ejemplo:
Windy: dobliu- ai-en-di-guay

5.- Escribe la siguiente lectura sobre el clima y contesta las preguntas.
Weather in the UK
The weather affects everyone, and everyone has something to say about the weather. This is especially true in a country like the UK that has very changeable weather. In the UK the weather from one day to the next can be completely different, or even from the morning to the afternoon. The weather can change from being rainy one day to sunny the next, or from strong wind and gales in the morning to snow in the afternoon.
In the UK there are four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the weather is different in each of them. However, there is not a sudden change between the seasons. The end of the winter season is the same as the start of the spring season. It takes several weeks for the weather to change enough for people to notice the difference.
The summer is the season with the best weather. In general, it is hot and sunny with only a little rain sometimes. However, it can sometimes be cold and wet for one or two weeks at a time. British people like to spend a lot of time outside when it is nice in the summer. After the summer is the autumn. In this season the weather gets colder and there are stronger winds, also it will rain more. All the leaves will start to fall off the trees as it is cold. Frost might start to form on the ground towards the end of the autumn.
Winter is the coldest season in the UK. The temperature will often be at zero degrees Celsius. This means that ice will often form on the ground overnight where there were puddles. This makes it difficult to walk sometimes. There might also be snow, but the UK does not get much snow, mainly just cold rain in the winter. Then when winter ends the spring starts. The temperature will start to get warmer and the winds will not be as strong. Plants start to grow again and new leaves form. It is always nice when the spring starts as it means the nice weather in the summer is nearly back again.
Many people in the UK complain about the weather, but as the weather changes so much it is very interesting and gives the people something to talk about all year round.
1) How can the weather in the UK be described?
    A) Boring
2) How quickly can the weather change?
    A) From one week to the next.
From one morning to afternoon.
From one day to the next day.
The weather does not change much.
3) How many seasons are there in the UK?
    A) Two
4) When will frost first start to form on the ground?
    A) In the spring
In the summer
In the autumn
In the winter
5) Why do people like the spring?
    A) It means the summer is nearly back.
It is not winter.
It is the shortest season.
It only happens every other year.
6.- En el siguiente link, escucha el audio y contesta las preguntas

7.- En el texto encierra con rojo las estaciones del año todas las veces que se mencionen. Encierra con azul los verbos. Encierra con verde las palabras referentes al clima que encuentres.

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